Christian Education at St. Paul
Studying God's Word
In order "To Know God More Fully" opportunities to study God's Word are provided. Should you desire another time and study, contact Pastor Barz so that we can plan and offer another study.
Sunday Morning Bible Study / God's Word for the Week - 8:00 AM
In September 2013 St. Paul started God's Word for the Week. This provides a personal and family resource for daily Bible readings from the New Testament and Psalms and a prayer resource. It includes a section from Luther's Small Catechism and short Bible verse to be studied daily and to be memorized. There is also a suggested family reading for each day. Also possible will be sessions for fathers, women, youth and children.
A copy of the weekly reading can be sent by e-mail. Contact Pastor Barz for a copy.
During the summer, God's Word for the Day is shared each Sunday morning. This immediately follows the service . It consists of a song or two, a brief look at lessons not used in the sermon and a prayer.
On Sunday morning at 8:00 AM a variety of topics are studied. They are often video based. If you have a request, let Pastor Barz know.
God's Word for the Week / Sunday School - 10:45 AM
God's Word for the Week is intended for the entire family with an effort to include activities for the family and for children.
During Advent and Lent time will be given for the children to prepare for the Children's Advent Service and for children's participation in the Palm Sunday Service.
Midweek Bible Studies - 1:00 PM on Thursdays In Niles
Topics or Books of the Bible are studied in this class. Our current study in on the book of Acts. Check the church calendar, the weekly bulletin or Pastor Barz to check on week.
Other classes will be started as there is interest.
Confirmation Instruction
Instruction in the teachings of the Lutheran Church is very important for our children. A weekly confirmation class is held for those students who are preparing for confirmation. Parents are encouraged of children in grades 6-8 to contact Pastor Barz about classes. The class meets on Sunday at noon. They will not meet during Buchanan schools breaks.
Vacation Bible School
While St. Paul has not offered a summer Vacation Bible School recently, we will be working to plan one again in the future. Leaders and teachers are needed.